I think the worst feeling in the world is walking out of a test thinking you did well and as soon as you get out the door you realize that you did something terribly wrong.
Not fun.
I made it through another test. Only two more and I am done with physics. It has been a busy summer Ill tell you that much, but it's nice to have it out of the way. A year's worth of physics classes done in 12 weeks. Can't really complain about that now can you? I actually feel okay about today's test which is something that hasn't happened for a couple of weeks. I'm glad it's the weekend and I can just relax. Tomorrow is Aimee's birthday. That should be a good time. I hope she likes her presents.
Anyways, just wanted to say a few words.
Keep on keepin' on.
Proud to be an American
I don't think I have ever appreciated the 4th of July more than I did this year. I guess spending a couple of years in a country where most of the people don't have much good to say about the U.S. will make you realize how good you've really got it here. This year I went with the wife and a few friends to camp out for the Freedom Festival parade in good ol' Provo, Utah. Of course I didn't sleep much considering all of the obnoxious people around us and the simple fact that I was trying to sleep on the side of the road. But, there is something special about thousands of people coming together to celebrate one great thing: Freedom. I won't lie that I didn't almost ball like a baby when a few floats passed by. Namely one that was honoring the military, firefighters, and the police. It really is an incredible thing to think that we are so free. We can say what we want, we can believe what we want, we can choose what we want to make of our lives. Is there really anything better than that? So, to all of those out there that are constantly complaining about war and government and all of that crap, take a step back for one second and just think about how good you have it. Try living in a third world country where your voice doesn't mean crap, where money, drugs, and corruption are what rules. Yeah, I know, war isn't great and people aren't perfect (especially politicians) but seriously, that's life. People aren't perfect. Deal with it. Luckily for us, our government leaders are changed pretty regularly. If you don't like em, don't vote for em. You have your voice. Use it or just shut up.