Why the title, you ask? Well, it's because this year I made out like a bandit and it was totally unexpected. It wasn't just in the temporal gift section either. Of course I got some great things like a new sleeping bag from my awesome in laws, a book I'm very excited to read from Jory, some Chacos from Aim, and a fun game called Killer Bunnies, among some other great stuff. I really just feel good about the weekend I had. It was very relaxing, away from stresses of school and work and just good times with my new family. One of my favorite moments of the weekend was while I was simply sitting and reading. Of course, I wasn't terribly focused on my book. There was so much going on that I would just look around and mentally take part in everyone else's doings. Lydia and Steve were working diligently on a large, motorized knex lawnmower, Erin was bouncing all over from sitting at the computer to writing in her notebook to joining in on conversations to playing the piano. Jory, Aimee and Shanna were engaged in a conversation that bounced around almost as much as Erin, but was generally focused on books and literary things. I just sat and observed. It was great. Everyone was beautifully happy and comfortable.
It is always interesting for me to stay with the Hemmelgarns because I get to see the way they do things. As I child, for example, I had very different interests and hobbies than they do. I was always outside playing basketball or climbing in the tree house or just getting into trouble. The
Hemmelgarns on the other hand have very different hobbies. I watched as Lydia and Erin, instead of going outside and wreaking havoc everywhere like me, sat at the computer, or a notebook and wrote stories. Just for fun. I don't think I ever would have even thought of doing that as I child. I think it is absolutely wonderful. While I played simply to play, they play and explore and learn in one fell swoop. Their love for all things literature is very inspiring to me. There is no limit to what one can learn from books.