Slickhorn Canyon
Memorial day weekend was spent backpacking in Slickhorn canyon in southeastern Utah in Cedar mesa. I suppose I'll just mostly let the pictures speak. (For some reason, all of these pictures are in backwards order. Sorry.) One last look down the canyon
Some of the treachery we met on the way out.
It almost felt like bushwhacking through the jungle at times.
The cacti were in bloom everywhere. It was beautiful.
I am so glad you had so much fun! I think next time I want you to appreciate the beauties of the earth for less consecutive days! Ha, but really I am glad you had a good time and enjoyed mother nature!
corb did you take your new camera with you?
those pictures are beautiful.
i want to go on a camping trip with you!
but, not for that long. it looks like you had a blast. i love it!
can't wait to see you in july!!!
no, not the new camera. just the little point and shoot.
Corb this looks amazing!!!!! I'm glad you had fun!!! Keep going on these cool adventures!!!
corbin I just wanted to say hi! It looks like you are having fun!
Michelle Ormond
Did you see the video and other information that said NOT to go into the kivas and ruins; looks like you all definitely went into a kiva based on the photos. I've seen that kiva three times over 25 years, and hope to see it again if users don't, unintentionally of course, destroy it by going into it.
I have a question for Will Skelton. I am wondering about the "video and other information" to which you refer. I am heading down to Slickhorn in a couple weeks. suggests that the ladders in the kivas have been placed there expressly for the purpose of accessing the kiva. I understand your reservations about the toll of human use on these sites. I am just wondering where you got your information so I can take a look at it and, possibly, let utahtravelcenter know that they should edit their information if yours is accurate.