
I don't know how those crazy scientists did it. How did Einstein understand the laws of the universe? How did Newton figure out his little laws of motion? (I especially like F=ma) My physics professor was talking about how Mozart started writing minuets at age 5. Wait a second, age 5? Is that possible. Most kids are worried about pooping at age 5 let alone writing music. Anyways, back to my professor. He was talking about how Mozart, like Einstein and Newton were born with this great understanding of music and science, respectively. So, this made me wonder. What was I born for? Do I have some hidden thing deep inside me somewhere just waiting to be discovered? or am I just a regular guy trying to make my way? I kinda wish for the first of the two. What is it though? When will I find it? No, I'm not talking about what I will do for a living for the rest of my life. I want to know if there is one thing that I just really understand naturally without much effort. I have always seen myself as a sort of Jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none kind of guy so it makes me wonder. Do I have the mental capacity to discover some fundamental law of physics or write an opera or develop some new medical procedure? I hope so, but it's hard to imagine. I guess it'll be a little bit difficult until I can at least get the basic scientific knowledge part under my belt right? I'm working on it don't worry.


1 Response to "Physics"

  1. corby. i told you if you had trouble to just call einstein mcgee down here in GILBERT.
    i am smart.

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